Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Imagery Paragraph- Looking for Alaska

A decision I found myself regretting some hours later when I awoke to two sweaty, meaty hands shaking the holy hell out of me. I woke up completely and instantly, sitting up straight in bed, terrified, and I couldn't understand the voices for some reason, couldn't understand why there were any voices at all, and what the hell time was it anyway? And finally my head cleared enough to hear, "C'mon, kid. Don't make us kick your ass. Just get up," and then from the top bunk, I heard, "Christ, Pudge. Just get up." So I got up, and saw for the first time three shadowy figures. Two of them grabbed me, one with a hand on each of my upper arms, and walked me out of the room. On the way out, the Colonel mumbled, "Have a good time. Go easy on him, Kevin."


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Quick Write- Minion

If i had a a set of minions for a week i feel like my life would be so much more easier! Minions are helpful when you need help, so when i needed help doing something i would call them to make my life easier. That may sound a bit selfish, but really, if you had the change to make your life easier wouldn't you do it ? I don't know, i'd obviously keep responsibilities that are mine but just the little things that i would need extra hands with i'd definitely call  my little minions to lend a helping hand! In return to them helping me do things i'd pay them back in cookies, because who doesn't love a yummy cookie?! Minions would help me everyday for a week and i feel like i'd get a lot of use out of them while i had them, and take full advantage of the fact that i had them for some time!

Quick Write- Which Door?

This quick write is asking me which door would i be temped to step through if i had the choice. Hands down as soon as i saw the doors i immediately picked the Hogwards door. The reason why i picked Hogwards is because  i grew up reading Harry Potter. I've probably reread the series at lease 10 times if not more. I fell in love with Hogwards. The idea of it, the people inside to school, the endless possibility, everything about Hogwards attracts me. If i could, i would  live in that world forever instead of this one. Harry Potter not only reminds me of my childhood, but as i continually reread each book i realize something that i missed before, or something that stands out that never stood out before. I take it under a different perspective and that's why i love it, every time i read them they never get old. Hogwards is a door that i'd step through any day and experience everything that Joanne created. 
Which door?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Character Tweets- Eden

1. My parents don't understand that i'm a big girl...i can make my own decisions #annoyed
2. It stinks in here #churchprobs
3. Is it really necessary for us to be learning the same thing every Sunday?! What a waste of time #sorrynotsorry
4. As if he just did that #shocked
5. Can;t wait till i'm 18 and can get away from this place #takemeaway
6. Can 18 come sooner? #please
7. I think i'm in love with the idea of being in love #romanticatheart
8. Does he love me? Or will he use me? #struggle
9. I'm outta here #done
10. A priest kidnapped me and is holding me hostage #ironicmuch ?
11. Next stop...Vegas #gettingout
12. Hitchhiking isn't all that bad #freeride
13. Finally #imadeit
14. You have to accept your life before you can change it  #nextdoorneighbourprobs
15. Ahh...Vegas... #free